13 October 2005

Ten Things Going On 1. I'm obsessed with Gilmore Girls. I rent the dvd's and watch them every free moment I have...its getting kind of ridiculous. 2. I'm reading the Book "A Million Little Pieces" which is so far, amazing. Its Oprah's latest book club book, and although I'm not a loyal follower of the BC, she said it is a GREAT book that will keep you up at night--and she was right. Its about an addict in recovery, and its incredibly intense. I recommend it. 3. I want to buy The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants books, but I'm too embarrassed to go to the teen section in Borders or B&N...so I think I'm gonna have to order them online. Ya, I'm a dork. 4. Francesca and I got into an argument tonight about who's hooking up with who on Laguna Beach. Ya, I have no life of my own, so I have to live through wealthy spoiled Cali teens. She says Jason and LC, but I say no way! And Jason is such a player...those girls are dumb for even wanting him! 5. My dog is crazy. He hates when I'm on the phone so he bites and barks at me until I put the phone down. Now I have to put the speaker phone on and put the phone out of his site just to talk to people. Ridiculous! He passed the beginner class and I got guilted into signing him up for intermediate--even though he should probably have to repeat the beginner class. I think they pass all dogs who make it to the end. His class started with 9 and there were 3 by the end. Thats about the turnover rate of PC Bangladesh. 6. I bought Halloween cards today, something I've never done before. I got them to send to my friends left in the Desh...and maybe a few lucky others, we'll see. If you want one, send me an email with you address and you might just get a nice Halloween surprise ;o) Also, Baylor is going to be a penguin for Halloween and will go trick or treating with Lily--as a mermaid. I think her mermaid costume is a little risque for a 5 yr old, but hey, who am I? I just take care her 11 hrs/day. 7. I had to watch Lily 2 full days in a row! Yesterday her school was canceled b/c of flooding. Like I said before, monsoon season has hit NJ and I'm pretty sure a Higher Power is trying to drag it out into the ocean. Its been raining for 8 days now...I feel like I'm in the Desh again, except here its cold...and its not sewage. Thats a plus at least. Today is Yom Kippur, so Happy YK to any Jews out there--of course, we know there aren't any on pleo. Too bad, we could use some more diversity on here. Thats the other reason why Lily didn't have school today. We did make some yummy sugar cookies decorated like pumpkins. 8. Today is the one year anniversary of the day I got my nose pierced in Bangladesh. I will never forget that day! My friend Maria's host mom was supposed to do it (she's a beautician), but then 2 ladies showed up at her apartment with a piercing gun and they did it...by candelight (the power was cut off by then)...unsterilized...no cleaning of the area...on a balcony...just a quick POW and it was in. My heart stopped beating for 2 seconds but then after I took some advil I was ok. Funny thing is, I didn't get an infection, but my friend Kel, who had it done under the most sanitary conditions possible, got a BAAAAAD infection (thought her nose was gonna fall off). She had to take her's out. 9. Martha Stewart and Oprah are my favorite people right now. Oprah is so cool b/c she's catching child molesters and giving people rewards, and building home for Katrina victims (along with the million other great things she does). I'd totally vote for her to be president, but then I was thinking she shouldn't run b/c I think all the great things she does now would suffer. Martha Stewart is awesome b/c she has a very witty show--she rapped with P Diddy on her first one--and I love her Apprentice. I think she needs to be meaner on it though...more like The Donald. I watched the Martha Behind Bars movie the other day and Cybil Shephard just doesn't do Martha justice. 10. I have a soccer game in Staten Island this weekend, and I'm a tad worried about that. I got lost there twice and it wasn't pretty. Quite scary actually. I plan on taking some mace or something with me...and I can't even imagine what the team we're playing is gonna be like! Ok, thats about all for now. This has been a longer post than I thought...so I hope I didn't bore you with my life!


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